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Our Full Story

CIRS may affect multiple systems in the body, causing an inflammatory response to be triggered in different areas like the respiratory, digestive, nervous and musculoskeletal systems.

It can be brought on by environmental toxins or infection. Mold and mycotoxins from buildings with water damage are one of the most common triggers of CIRS.


This was the main cause of CIRS in Franzelle’s case, since they lived in an old farmhouse with lots of water damage and black sticky mold under wooden floors, which they removed whilst still living in the home. Adding to that, they were living on a busy street (car gasses) and in an area that was sprayed with pesticides constantly. 

About Humigold


She was struggling to breathe deeply, had extreme fatigue, muscle weakness, forgetting words, dizziness, including tremors at night which became frequent during the

day as well. 

Mold / toxins inhibit the immune system from functioning optimally, also causing the rest of the family to be constantly ill with flu and stomach bugs. 

Eventually, in October 2018, they decided to move from the house, which was the beginning of their healing journey.


Enter Humigold… It was a huge factor in helping their family detox from mold and heavy metals, restoring their guts and healing their bodies

As a family, they have always known that healing comes from our Creator, based on His Word in Psalm 103:2-3 that says He heals all our diseases.


He made this beautiful earth, and all the plants therein. It is no surprise then that the humic and fulvic acid that comes from decaying plants (and which has been mostly removed from our soil due to modern farming practices) prove to be such a healing and balancing element for our bodies, which have also been made from the earth.

In June 2020 the wonderful opportunity came to sell the humic and fulvic powder. Since then, many of their family and friends have started using it with wonderfully healing results.

Read more about our journey here.

Humic and Fulvic acid | South Africa



Why is it so much more cost effective than other humic and fulvic products on the market?

"My heart is to help as many people as I can live a healthy lifestyle.  I want most people to be able to afford it." Franzelle

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